68537.5 / 27 January 2015

Something funny & something useful

I was working on something and I noticed something really funny in the Qt documentation.  Have a look....   funnyor go to http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qscrollarea.html  If this isn't prime material for a programmers meme I don't know what is.  I have no idea why they inserted this picture as the example other then to have a good time with the material they decided/or had to write.  Very funny either way.  Thanks for the unexpected laugh Qt document writers.  I was reading the documentation because I needed to create my own version of a photo editing area.  I even posted an adapted example on stackoverflow here : http://stackoverflow.com/a/28147336/1325621

If it is not completely obvious this little snippet helps you align your QImage inside a widget.

This isn't the final version, but it definitely gives some one a good starting point.  If anyone is interested in an updated version with more features let me know.